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This Luigi Viprati is a sandblasted beauty designed as a standing pipe. The lines are classic with flawless drilling. Equipped with 9mm filter option.
This item is unique – the pipe purchased is exactly the pipe pictured above.
Classic Latakia mixture that is complemented with some Virginia, Black Cavendish and Oriental. Smoky and stylish.
50g tin.
ELDURIS Ask is a blend of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish and the aroma of vanilla and fruits.
50g tin
Borken Virginia, Black Cavendish and Burley with a marula liqueur aroma make the Etosha something special.
A limited "small batch" production with the wintery scent of chocolate and amaretto.
A limited "small batch" production with the autumnal scent of chocolate, orange and cinnamon.
A mild mixture of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish with the fruity aroma of mild wild berries.
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