The Savinelli Monsieur 703 sandblasted has a removable lid that is reminiscent of a beret.
The Savinelli Monsieur 111 sandblasted has a removable lid that is reminiscent of a beret.
The Savinelli Monsieur 616 sandblasted has a removable lid that is reminiscent of a beret.
The Savinelli Monsieur 703 in light brown has a removable lid that is reminiscent of a beret.
The Savinelli Monsieur 111 in light brown has a removable lid that is reminiscent of a beret.
The Savinelli Monsieur 616 in light brown has a removable lid that is reminiscent of a beret.
6 Results |
The Savinelli Monsieur has a removable lid on the pipe bowl. This means that pre-filled or unfinished pipes can be transported in your bag. The underside of the lid has a fireproof rubber coating. The embers should still be completely extinguished.
The lid is reminiscent of a beret and thus gives the pipe its name.