A flake that consists exclusively of Virginia tobacco from the best growing areas. Air- and smokeless heat-dried tobacco was used. Enjoy the pure, sweet taste of pure Virginia without any additional flavor additives
Contents: 50g
Scandinavian Tobacco Group A/S
Sandtoften 9
2820 Gentofte
Espresso tobacco by Vauen with an highly aromatic espresso flavour.
50g tin.
W.O. Larsen's Black Diamond. Full in taste, rounded off with fruity aromas.
100g tin.
Danske Club's Black tobacco is a fine Virginia and Burley mixture with sweet aromas of vanilla.
Vauen pipe tobacco number 14 Virginia Flake. An aromatic soft mixture, subtly sweet.
50g tin.
Stanwell tobacco Sungold is a delicious tobacco with Vanilla aroma – sweet, fruity and fresh.
50g tin.
Espresso tobacco by Vauen with an highly aromatic espresso flavour.
50g tin.
W.O. Larsen's Black Diamond. Full in taste, rounded off with fruity aromas.
100g tin.
Danske Club's Black tobacco is a fine Virginia and Burley mixture with sweet aromas of vanilla.
Vauen pipe tobacco number 14 Virginia Flake. An aromatic soft mixture, subtly sweet.
50g tin.
Stanwell tobacco Sungold is a delicious tobacco with Vanilla aroma – sweet, fruity and fresh.
50g tin.
Espresso tobacco by Vauen with an highly aromatic espresso flavour.
50g tin.
W.O. Larsen's Black Diamond. Full in taste, rounded off with fruity aromas.
100g tin.
Danske Club's Black tobacco is a fine Virginia and Burley mixture with sweet aromas of vanilla.
Vauen pipe tobacco number 14 Virginia Flake. An aromatic soft mixture, subtly sweet.
50g tin.
A Flake composed of mainly American Virginia tobaccos. Gold yellow and of incredible natural flavour.
50g tin.
A full- bodied smoky Latakia flake with a little Virginia, Oriental and Burley to round it off. A delicacy.
50g tin.
A pure Virginia flake harvested in its prime. For decades, this tobacco is very beloved in the circles of pipe smokers.
50g tin.
Vauen pipe tobacco number 14 Virginia Flake. An aromatic soft mixture, subtly sweet.
50g tin.
Delicious flake with a lot of Burley accompanied by a bit of Virginia and Cavendish. Our recommendation!
50g tin.
A Flake composed of mainly American Virginia tobaccos. Gold yellow and of incredible natural flavour.
50g tin.
A full- bodied smoky Latakia flake with a little Virginia, Oriental and Burley to round it off. A delicacy.
50g tin.
A pure Virginia flake harvested in its prime. For decades, this tobacco is very beloved in the circles of pipe smokers.
50g tin.
Vauen pipe tobacco number 14 Virginia Flake. An aromatic soft mixture, subtly sweet.
50g tin.
Delicious flake with a lot of Burley accompanied by a bit of Virginia and Cavendish. Our recommendation!
50g tin.
A Flake composed of mainly American Virginia tobaccos. Gold yellow and of incredible natural flavour.
50g tin.
A full- bodied smoky Latakia flake with a little Virginia, Oriental and Burley to round it off. A delicacy.
50g tin.
A pure Virginia flake harvested in its prime. For decades, this tobacco is very beloved in the circles of pipe smokers.
50g tin.
Mo - Fr: 8am - 5pm
+49 371 272 64 112