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You can make a very good deal here. This one of the most recent pipes of Rattray's' collection. Individually technical and visually checked. Even the price is stupefying! Get yours now!
Our Pipe-Matches are perfect to ignite pipe tobacco!
ca. 60 matches
Active charcoal filter by “White Elephant” from Germany for 9mm pipes. 40 pc Superflow for an easy drawing.
Hand rubbed flake of Virginia, Kentucky and a bit of spicy Perique.
100g tin.
A mild mixture of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish and the natural aromatic tobacco smell.
50g tin
Black Cavendish, Burley and Viginia play a cool game with maple-, coconut- and chocolate aroma. Soft and palatable.
Pipe tobacco humidifier to revitalize your dried out tobacco. Make it fresh again!
Golden yellow Virginia from Mysore (India) guarantees a high amount of sugar for a pleasantly aromatic natural experience.
100g tin
A poker for sailors and landlubbers. The slightly smaller volume is a good choice. With lasered anchor motif on the bottom of the Ahoy sand.
Briar block by Molina with a half-bent stem for making your own pipe. Let your creativity run rampant!
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