How to properly smoke a pipe

How to properly smoke a pipe

How to properly smoke a pipe

Smoking isn´t art. With the following little hints, the entry into the world of pipes will be easier and you will get bigger enjoyment from pipe aswell as tobacco. 

As an entry, choose a straight or only little bent pipe. Most of the time, pipe beginners smoke too hastily and too hot. As a result, the tobacco forms more condensate. With a strongly bent pipe, this will be a problem when the condensate collects in the pipe.

For beginners, there are completed startersets, as an example the Vauen starterkit. Of course, everyone can build they´re own preferred set consisting of a pipe, tamper, lighter, pipe cleaner and possibly filter and pipe bag. We are happy to help you with that.

And of course, the pipe tobacco must not be missing.

Smoke patiently and calm. Take your time. A good pipe isn´t made for fast pleasure.


There are several methods to fill a pipe. The following procedure is best for beginners:



Take a bit tobacco, approimately one third of the whole amount you plan to smoke. Put the tobacco very loosely into the pipe. Put the second third on top of it and press it lightly onto it. One says, you´re as careful with the first third as if you would squeeze the hand of a baby, with the second as is you squeezed the hand of a lady and the last third harder - like the hand of a gentleman.



Check the tensile resistance. The correct one will result in a cool and pleasant smoking enjoyment. If you stuff it too firm, you´ll have to pull too strong, which can lead to a faster overheating of the pipe. The tensile restriction should be as if you drank something with a straw.



Use a pipe lighter or matches to light it. Nomal lighters can burn your fingers or the pipe easy.

Burn the tobacco in circular motions and pull steadily but with care at the pipe.



The first kindle will cause the tobacco to rise up. Press it down with the tamper and light the pipe again.



Pull cautious, slowly and moderate with breakes between the puffs. With the right rythmn, there should only be little smoke development. Only at the beginning when you light it, there can be a bit more.

With time passing, you´ll find the right dosage. The pipe can also go out. Lighting a pipe more than once per filling is no problem and completely normal.



Don´t try to smoke the whole pipe until the last tobacco rest is gone. Don´t torment yourself and the pipe, just put it away when it´s not tasty anymore, the tobacco gets too damp or it is stuffed too much.



Let the pipe cool down and rest after smoking it. Don´t rotate the shank when it´s still hot, as it can lead to cracks. In the mean time, you can leave the ash in the pipe, because it absorbs dampness and condensates rests.

Only when the pipe cooled down you can start cleaning and clearing it out. 



After the cleaning it´s time for the pipe to rest. Ideally you own a different pipe for every day of the week, but it is also enough to just let it rest for a day.



If the desired pleasure didn´t set in after these tips, stay patient. With time, you´ll learn more and make own experiences.


For experienced pipe smokers: Instructions to smoke a Flake