In stock. Delivery period 1-2 working days
High-quality roll-up pouch made of brown leather. With convenient pockets for various accessories and two pipes.
Delivery without pictured content.
For 2 pipes.
Active charcoal filter by “White Elephant” from Germany for 9mm pipes. 40 pc Superflow for an easy drawing.
Holger Danske Black and Bourbon is a mild tobacco mix of Cavendish and Burley with whisky aroma.
The popular Dr. Perl junior activated carbon filter 9mm from Vauen. Cool and dry smoke. 100 pieces in a box
The beloved “Pibe taendstikker” pipe matches with pipe motive on the box.
ca. 60 matches
Humidifying stones to revitalize your dried out tobacco. Make it fresh again!
Tamper, cleaner and loosener in one - the practical tool for pipe smokers. Handy and inexpensive.
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