Delivery period ca. 2-3 working days
Slender, nicely shaped Rattray's tamper with a removable pick. Light Bamboo. Individual package.
Sir William consists of Virginia, fired Kentucky, Indian and Thai Burley with a aromatic whiskey topping.
50g tin.
A lot of Black Cavendish, different Virginias, Latakia and a hint of Oriental make the 3 Noggins as full-flavoured as it is.
100g tin.
ELDURIS Idun is a refreshing mixture of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish with the aroma of sweet apples.
50g tin
Virginia, Burley, Black Cavendish and hand-rubbed Viginia Flake mix. Aroma of delicious creamy caramel.
50g tin.
Mixture of Virginia leaves, Virginia cube cuts, Black Cavendish and some Burley with the aroma of coconut, fruits and vanilla.
Pipe tool with tamper, reamer and pick. Each one can be folded individually into a metal hull – practical tool for the pipe smoker.
A broken, cube cut and other Virginia with the aroma of fully ripe, fruity, exotic star fruit.
100g tin