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Three Nuns tobacco from Bell's. The renowned Three Nuns. Strong and intense in taste.
50g tin.
Erinmore Flake pipe tobacco is a natural kept tobacco and consists of Virginia, Burley and dark types of tobacco. Fruity.
50g tin.
A sweet Virginia mixture made from golden yellow and sun-ripened tobaccos. Processed into flakes.
50g Pouch.
A little of Perique that ripened together with some dark Virginia and Kentucky inside the press, to give the Old Gowrie charm.
50g tin.
The popular Dr. Perl junior activated carbon filter 9mm from Vauen. Cool and dry smoke. 180 pieces in a box
Sweet Black Cavendish, golden Virginia, hand pulled Virginia flake and curly. On top some Cognac aroma.
Virginia and Black Cavendish create the base of the Professional. To spice things up equal amounts of Oriental and Latakia were added.
100g tin.
Smoky English mix composed of Kentucky Virginia, Turkish Carolina Black and Syrian Latakia. Recommendation!
100g tin.
Vauen pipe cleaner with brush 16cm. The cotton absorbs the moisture while the brushes loosen impurities at the same time.
Dark rubbed flake of Virginia, Kentucky and Perique tobacco. A revelation for lovers of natural kept tobaccos.
100g tin.