Our Pipe-Matches are perfect to ignite pipe tobacco!
ca. 60 matches
Hand rubbed flake of Virginia, Kentucky and a bit of spicy Perique.
100g tin.
A mild mixture of Virginia, Burley and Black Cavendish and the natural aromatic tobacco smell.
50g tin
Black Cavendish, Burley and Viginia play a cool game with maple-, coconut- and chocolate aroma. Soft and palatable.
50g tin
The White Elephant Cameroon 6 made of ash wood has a fireproof graphite insert in the combustion chamber.
Different Virginia tobaccos rounded off with Burley and Black Cavendish. Aromas of honey, vanilla and orange.
50g tin.
The original! Corncob pipe legend with a straight stem made by the Missouri Meerschaum Company.
With either a black or yellow stem.
Well ripened Virginia and dark fired Kentucky processed into a flake. Delicious!
100g tin.
A dainty pipe with a regular sized bowl. The Savinelli logo is inlaid into the metal base.